Cancer – Venus and Mars the cosmic lovers are moving together in your second house. You may feel you know exactly what you want but think again. Venus is retrograde you want to indulge your desire for pleasure. You are sensual and responsive to the power of glamour. Your judgement might be off but Mars can add the power of impulse so be careful with your wallet and actions. Make sure your desires are good and exciting.

Cancer – the solar eclipse on the 13 th is a powerful New Moon that effects your 3 rd house of mind and communications. It gives you the opportunity to make new connections and communicate with a sense of flair. This energy can increase your imagination and brings a sense of wanderlust. Your awareness is open to new ideas and is easily effected so keep mind and emotions clear. You’ll want to capture great thoughts. Take time to write, study and travel. Real life can help improve your knowledge base.

Cancer – Saturn moves into Sagittarius and your 6 house for the next two years on September 18 th. Its time to get real about your work and daily habit patterns. You need to know which of your personal habits are productive and lead to success and which habits are destructive and lead to failure. This is an important time to make adjustments because you may have more responsibility or work put on your plate. If you are efficient and effective you will be rewarded. The same goes for your personal health and well being. Take care of your energy so you can move ahead.