Leo – the beginning the month is influenced by the energy of the Cancer New Moon in your 12 house. Take a break and reinvigorate your energy through meditation, prayer and yoga. There is great power in quietness that can bring you a sense of peace and clarity. Use this time to prepare for next month as big and important changes in energy & opportunity are coming your way.

Leo – Jupiter enters Leo and your 1 house on July 17. Jupiter is the king of the gods and Leo in the sign of the king or queen so this can be the beginning of a twelve year cycle of expansion.
You don’t need help expressing yourself and Jupiter will leave no doubt in anyone’s mind who you are and what you think you can do. This is an excellent time to build self confidence through real achievements. Just remember to keep your little ego in control

Leo – Saturn moves direct in Scorpio and your 4 house which can bring some constructive changes in the very root of your being. You may have faced problems in your family or with your sense of personal security. Now you must build a new emotional foundation. This is a time of healing on the deepest levels so look at your sense of self. Overcome personal inadequacies and gather your strength because a new future is about to begin.