Pisces – Jupiter moves direct in your 6 house till 8/11 bringing a new wave of energy that will increase your enthusiasm for life allowing you to conquer challenges that come your way. You will benefit from optimism that lifts your spirits and opens your mind to new opportunity. Start new diet, health and work patterns that will help you break from stagnant routines. This will also help you achieve new recognition at work and perhaps a raise.

Pisces – Pluto Retrograde in the 11th house of associates compels you to examine your involvement with groups of people and professional associations. You may fundamentally change your attitudes concerning social and political issues. Important people or new concepts may influence your thinking but please make sure that you’re not being manipulated. Be true to your self and find the purpose of your soul.

Pisces – Mercury joins Mars in your 3 rd house of mind. You mind and curiosity are stimulated and you have the energy to go places and experience new things. This energy can expand your horizons but you should try to maintain a sense of practicality. You can be intellectually sharp but a bit dogmatic so communicate with gentleness to keep the peace.