The new moon colors the month with vibrant energy.  Venus and Neptune opens the door for lovers to embrace and the cosmic challenge stimulates action and tension in our lives.

Sagittarius – A new moon in your fifth house of romance and creativity brings excitement as new opportunities knock on your door.  You may fall in love at first sight or you may find a brilliant creative idea pops into your head.  If you are free to take advantage of the moment, do so. A huge energy shift occurs towards the end of the month so check out the Cosmic Challenge.

Sagittarius –  The Conjunction of Venus and Neptune is in Pisces and your 4th house is illuminated by this energy which can deepen your sense of connection to your family and heritage.   You may feel a well of psychic sensitivity and spiritual awareness that you never imagined possible before so listen to your intuition by maintain a clear sense of reality.  You spiritual awareness may bring increased compassion for those who are in need.  You may find love right in your own backyard.

Sagittarius – the Cosmic Challenge – Mars stimulates action in your 11 house warning you to pick your friends with care and support groups that have proven their worth. Be aware his opposition to Uranus in the 5 house attracts you to unusual ideas and erratic individuals who may lack substance.  Jupiter in your 8 house tells you to listen to you intuition but not allow your passions to blind you.  Pluto in the 2 house of money asks you to purge excess and sensuality.  You may find many opportunities but you should invest your creative energy wisely.  Freedom is found when you find the path that allows you to unlock the wealth that can only be found in your heart.