Sagittarius – the new Moon falls in your 4 th house of home and family.  You may have to be a bit more aware of the feelings of others especially when dealing with home and family issues.  The right words create bliss the wrong words create hurt feelings and chaos.

Saturn Retrograde
Sagittarius – You must learn about your psychological makeup.  Do you follow your dreams and see the potential waiting in the future? Or have you become stagnant because of your fears.  Meditate and practice quietness.  The power of your inner spiritual nature can help you to move forward and leave the past behind.  Have faith

Mars Retrograde
Sagittarius – reevaluate the amount of energy you have given to other people.  If you’re involved in groups make sure your beliefs are the same as theirs or conflict will occur.  If everyone is a bit confused nothing will get done.  You can help them stay focused to a goal.