Scorpio – Venus and Mars the cosmic lovers are moving together in your tenth house. You may think you know what to do to get ahead but think again. Venus is retrograde and fools rush in where angels fear to tread so don’t play the fool that’s someone else game. Mars can excite you to action when you should be using your negotiating skills and common sense to get what you want. Real success demands a combination of work, a vision and a plan.

Scorpio – the solar eclipse on the 13 th is a powerful New Moon that effects your 11th house of associations. It gives you the opportunity to expand your influence through social and cultural groups. Don’t stay at home, get out and about so you can spend some time networking for business and pleasure. You may meet like minded individuals who want to create a more caring and sensitive world. This is a great time to support to your favorite social cause. You can never tell who you might meet.

Scorpio – Saturn enters Sagittarius and your 2 house for the next two years on September 18 th. Its time to get real about your personal resources and possessions. This is an important transit on the level of material values. Do you have enough money to live a comfortable life? What do you own and how can you use it to make your life better. Take this time to put a plan into motion concerning your ability to make money and use your personal resources. You must sharpen your talents to get what you value and need. Be efficient so you can experience real prosperity.