Venus Transit Capricorn All Month
Taurus – Venus shines her gentle light in your ninth house all month. This should be a very fortunate transit for she rules your sign. You may find opportunities to travel, meet new people or go to places you’ve never been before. On a more important level, you may find your sense of awareness is enhanced and you have an increased ability to understand new ideas. Listen to your intuition and follow your dreams for they could be quite prophetic and lead to future success.
Mercury Retrograde Square Saturn February 18 & 19
Taurus – Mercury goes retrograde into your10 house of career and social standing.  This suggests you must behave in business situations.  Yes you do have some good ideas but wait a bit before you express them. A challenge from Saturn in your seventh of partnerships over the 18 & 19 warns you to listen to your partners, cooperate by supporting their plans, stay within the letter of the law and guard your public reputation
Neptune is Pisces Conjunct the Sun February 23
Taurus — Neptune transits your 11th house in Pisces, the sign he rules .This energy will continue to inspire you to get involved with social improvement groups. Your charisma and creative abilities may attract new friends so get involved with creative projects.   The conjunction to the Sun on the 23 rd can bring confusion or illumination.  Do not blindly do what others tell you if you feel uncomfortable but do offer to help improve the world.




Mars transits Virgo and your 5 th house through July 4 2012 and he is retrograde until April 14, 2012. He is an aggressive and energetic factor. Don’t over romanticize the past. If it was bad let it go. Work on trying to find the right mixture of work, fun, creativity and romance. Jupiter moves through your first house till June. Expand your personality, seek new experiences and enjoy your freedom. Just be careful to watch your weight. Take opportunities to become a leader. In June Jupiter enters your second house and Gemini where you may make some big bucks or spend them. Don’t be foolish and remember your assignment is famous for wise investments. Look for the long term. Saturn transiting through your 6 th house tells you to face your work responsibilities and be more productive. This is a time to be efficient. Handle your responsibilities and respect others in the work world. You must find renewal and face challenges – transform. Neptune transiting your 11 th house can show the influence your have in groups of people. You may now be given an opportunity to help others and to realize personal satisfaction. Give assistance but do not be manipulated.

Uranus – Pluto Challenge 2012

The fireworks are here Taurus as Uranus lights up your 12th house giving you flashes of insight, that point to your destiny and future. Understand your emotions and spiritual needs or you will lack direction. Pluto in the 9 th house pushes you to change your knowledge and understanding. open yourself to new ideas and don’t be dogmatic and antagonistic. Do not manipulate others. The conflict you must manage becomes how you can use your insight and intuition to find your individuality and future without causing disruptions. Your knowledge must have a purpose.