Virgo – the beginning the month is influenced by the energy of the Cancer New Moon in your 11 house. This is no time to be a wallflower as the social scene can open up a lot of opportunity. Be willing to put on your dancing shoes, take a few spins and mingle with some new folks. You may find your sensitivity is an asset when you mix with like-minded people.

Virgo – Jupiter enters Leo and your 12 house on July 17. Jupiter is the king of the gods and Leo in the sign of the king or queen so this can be the beginning of a twelve year cycle of expansion.
This is a good transit for anyone who understands the real value of their life comes from within.
Take some time to do inner and spiritual work. Yoga, meditation and prayer can bring a sense of freedom and more balance to your life. Listen to your inner spirit.

Virgo – Saturn moves direct in Scorpio and your 3 house which can bring some constructive changes in the way you interact with others. Your ability to learn and think for yourself has been tested. You now have a good sense about your mental abilities including, how you learn, what you need to know to become more effective and how you communicate to others. If you are going to be effective deepen your knowledge and focus your mind.