The new moon colors the month with vibrant energy.  Venus and Neptune opens the door for lovers to embrace and the cosmic challenge stimulates action and tension in our lives.

Scorpio – A new moon in your sixth house of health and work tells you to keep busy and stay healthy.  This is an important time to make adjustments and changes in your daily routine.  New responsibilities come your way, so adjust your schedule without complaining and be energy wise. A huge energy shift occurs towards the end of the month so check out the Cosmic Challenge.

Scorpio – The Conjunction of Venus and Neptune is in Pisces and your 5th house is illuminated by this energy which can empower your personal expression. You may be inspired by a new idea or a new friend.  Listen to music, go to a superb restaurant and enjoy life to the fullest.  Romance is elevated to a new level of enjoyment as your sensuality increases dramatically.  Just be careful to use commonsense and remember the piper must get paid.  You may find love at an art gallery

Scorpio  – the Cosmic Challenge – Mars stimulates action in your 12 house warns you that unwise actions may be activated by hidden fears.  Be aware that his opposition to Uranus in the 6 house can cause disruptions in work and difficulties with your sense of well being.  Jupiter in the 9 house tells you that beliefs are a powerful motivating factors in everyone’s life and Pluto in the 3 house can help you analyze your experiences to gain insight and knowledge. Spiritual depth can overcome fear so you feel healthier and energized, which will give you a new vision for success which can be implemented in a plan based in logic and not disrupted by fear.