Taurus – the month begins with a New Moon solar eclipse in your 5 th house of. Others may be worrying about getting back to business and all their normal routines, but this energy stimulates a need to sneak away for a last-minute vacation. Pleasure and creativity are calling to you and you might say, yes. You may even get a good deal at the last minute. Just be a little bit careful with your budget. If you control yourself now you won’t worry later.

Taurus – Jupiter moves into Libra the sign of justice and public relations and your 6 house of. Your mind may be reeling with too many thoughts as work becomes hectic and demanding. It is important that you develop a healthy system of living and working so keep the body and mind as one. Learn new technology and gain new skills for this is a time of opportunity and expansion.

Taurus – the final Saturn Neptune Square connects your 8 house of rebirth and the psychic to your 11 house of group associations. You can use this challenge to blend the power of illusion to create a new structure in your reality. Saturn in your 8 requires a deeper understanding of intimacy and shared resources. Neptune in the 11 wants social needs to influence your thinking. Cooperate with others for the greater good to gain satisfaction but you must also maintain clarity of purpose so you are not manipulated.

Taurus – Retrograde Mercury trines retrograde Pluto on 9/20 fooling you into thinking you have all the answers in romance and creative projects. Think again and listen carefully to others. Their ideas may be helpful and you’ll be a happier person after the 22 when Mercury
goes direct. romance is a happy place. Keep disagreements light and listen carefully to keep the peace.