Aquarius – Mercury begins the year retrograde in your 11 house until the 8 th suggesting confusion in group efforts. Keep to the script to get thongs done efficiently. He retrogrades back into your 3 house 4/9 – 5/3 warning you look where you’re going and what you’re saying. Don’t be disruptive. From 8/12 – 9/5 he retrogrades into your 8 house bringing a need for common sense in intimate or business relations. Don’t let emotions cloud your thinking. His final retrograde is from 12/3 – 12/22 in your house 11 warning you to be careful with social groups. Know what they value.
Aquarius – Venus – brings opportunities for love and pleasure as you travel about attend a lecture from 2/4 – 6/6. Go slowly 3/4 – 4/15 while she’s RX. Romance beckons to you from 7/6 – 7/31 As you meet a delightful stranger who is on your wave length of love. 10/15 – 11/7 negotiate for what you want &need but take a balanced approach.
Aquarius – Mars is favorable to your sign in May and November get off your duff and get moving as excitement is in the air. Put the power of your mind to work on new ideas. Mars Challenges you in March and August let others take the lead.
Aquarius – Jupiter transits Libra through October and your 9 house bringing opportunities in understanding. Stay focused on what you need to learn because you are growing. Ambition must be pursued with wisdom. Jupiter opposes Uranus at the beginning of March and end of September so expect unusual ideas to come your way.
Aquarius – Saturn transits and your 11 house all year. You’ve learned how you fit into groups and understand how their vision fits your life. Now you know if they are true to your beliefs. If not you must find other people of like values. Saturn trines Uranus in November giving you a new sense of personal understanding.
Aquarius – Uranus transiting your 3 house continues to give you the energy to assimilate new ideas and techniques into your life. Neptune brings his subtle and creative energy to your 2 house. You may aspire to live a more creative life. Expressing your creative abilities. Pluto in your 12 house helps eliminate fears. You gain inner strength following the light of your spirit.