Aquarius – (1) the month begins with Mars and Uranus conjunct in your 4 house of emotional foundations and family. This dynamic duo warns you to be careful about being too willful at home. Erratic actions and strange ideas may destabilize your sense of security. Mid-week settles down a bit as Venus shines her gentle light on your everyday routines. Take advantage of good feelings and cooperation at work. But the week may end with another challenge as Saturn brings conflicts between your personal expression and what your partners need. Take time to sort out your feelings.

Aquarius – (2) the second week opens with complications and conflicting values. Venus the love goddess opposes Pluto God of the underworld. Try to understand you may be motivated by hidden insecurities. This can be a highly sensitive time and cooperation with co-workers may be extremely important. The Full Moon energy may bring confusion into relationship situations. Try to avoid conflicts when discussing sensitive topics like money. Do not allow fear to create confusion. Powerful karmic forces are affecting people on a deep emotional level. Be flexible.

Aquarius – (3) the third week brings some needed relief with a gentle aspect between Venus in the 7 house of shared energy and Jupiter in your 3 house of communications. This is a positive energy that gives you the ability to express your ideas and feelings while remaining open to the ideas of others. This is also a good time to upgrade to new technology. The middle of the week increases your quest to be more romantic as Mars enters creative Gemini. Just don’t become confused as Mercury will oppose Neptune. Clarity will be needed with joint finances.

Aquarius – (4) The fourth week is a week of excess energy as Uranus goes retrograde and Mars stimulates the Full Moon. Do be willing to adjust your approach to home and family projects. There is excess energy and a critical vibe in the air so a flexible attitude will bring understanding. You must be willing to make adjustments. Venus in the 7 opposes Saturn in the 1 suggesting you need to do your best to blend your need for freedom with your partner’s need for security. Cooperation will be important if you plan to be successful in the future.