Aquarius – (1) the month begins with Mercury turning stationary direct in your 4 house of foundations and Saturn the Lord of Karma turning RX in your 1 house of personality. This is a week of conflicting energy. Mercury wants to consider your sense of security and deal with deeply personal issues. You may need some quiet time to clear your mind and emotions from past confusion. However, Saturn may have a different plan. He is more concerned with the way you present yourself in public. You must maintain a sense of warmth and self-confidence to be a success.

Aquarius – (2) the second week is exciting as Mercury 4 Trines Pluto 12, sexy Venus conjuncts Uranus 4 and there is a Full Moon in your 11 house. The Mercury-Pluto trine may bring great depth to your feelings. This can be a time of healing that leads you to feel a real sense of security. Venus Conjunct Uranus in the 4 can bring an unexpected change in-home or with family members. You may feel a new sense of value. The Full Moon in your 11 has social involvement written all over it. Make sure you control your actions for you want to make a positive impression

Aquarius – (3) the third week begins with a Deceptive Sun 5 Square Neptune 2 energy and Venus 4 Squares Saturn 1 But settles down as Venus 4 Trines Pluto 12 at the end of the week. The Sun Neptune Square demands clear thinking and communication or your pleasure principle can cost you more than you might want to spend. Venus square Saturn from the 4 house reminds you that family responsibilities may get in the way of your personal wishes. When Venus trines Pluto at the end of the week your fears and inhibitions may be overcome. thank your lucky stars.

Aquarius – (4) the fourth-week Demands clarity as Neptune turns retrograde in your 2 house of resources. You are helped by a New Moon in Cancer in your 6 house of routine and positive Mars and Venus aspects. Neptune is a bit tricky to handle. now he demands you take time to review what you truly value in life. The New Moon in your 6 house suggests you’ll get help from people who support your daily life. The Venus and Mars energies will bring positive energies into your life that can bring renewal to your creative ideas and sense of individuality.