Aries – The first 10 days of the month are full of excitement as Mars energizes Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus. Mars trines Jupiter from the 11 of friendship to the 7 of partners on the first bringing a note of optimism to the holiday season. You have the opportunity to get together with friends and put your best foot forward. You’ll stand out in the crowd and make a great impression. Mars sextiles Saturn in your 9 on the 3rd. You can broaden your understanding of the world by attending a concert or a movie. You make friends with intellectual people. When Mars sextiles Uranus on the sixth in your 1 you may feel a rush of excitement as unusual feelings touch you on the deepest level. Make sure you get out and about and show off your originality.
Aries -Sun Conjunct Saturn in 9 – Your ninth house of the higher mind and beliefs receives a wake up call to slow down or you may hit a wall. The Sun proclaims, this is the truth I believe. Saturn says is this the truth, or a truth. You’ve been influenced by your cultural norms and beliefs you take for granted. You must know if your beliefs have brought you, fear and limitation or enlightenment.
Aries – Mercury RX in 10th House just before the holidays warns you to be extra diligent when working on important career projects. Extra confusion in communications can lead to lost or misunderstood messages. This is a hard time to achieve a high level of performance especially when people are giving mixed messages. Keep one eye on the big picture and one on the details.
Aries – Christmas day begins with a beautiful Venus Jupiter Trine to your 7 house. You have a green light to let your light shine before others. Gain by supporting your partners for goodness rubs off on everyone. Venus then sextiles Saturn in your 9 house bringing a sense of cooperation and understanding that adds mutual feelings of warmth. Venus also sextiles Uranus in your 1 house bringing sparkle and excitement when you open up and tell everyone you have a holiday surprise.