Aries – The month begins with a highly energized last quarter moon that brings the extra intensity of Mars to your 8 house. Use your emotional power to finish joint projects and check your investments strategy. The more you get done down, the more time you’ll have to enjoy some intimate passion during next week’s Super Bowl and the Chinese new year.

Aries – Super Bowl weekend starts with a Venus Pluto conjunction in your 10 house. Don’t allow this weekends excitement to start too soon. Keep an eye on the prize for this energy can bring a big change in career status. Then Venus squares Uranus in your 1 house on Saturday which may disrupt your plans. Don’t be willful, but express the strength of your personality. Mars squares the sun from your 8 house on Sunday bringing a sense of extra energy. There’s electricity in the air. You can be passionate about your team but must allow partners to do the same. Monday brings the energy of the new moon to your 11 house and the Chinese new year. Use this new cycle to connect with others in a meaningful way. Networking can bring future rewards.

Aries – the sun conjuncts Neptune in your 12 house this is a special once a year transit that enhances the visionary and spiritual qualities of life. It illuminates your 12 house of limitation and spirituality. You would be wise to take quiet time to look deep inside. This can be a powerful spiritual time when you can heal past hurts, open your spiritual vision, and find some inner inspiration. Listen carefully to the subtle dreams and intuitions about the future for may lead you in a new direction.