Aries – (1) the month begins with Mars in Leo and your 5 house of pleasure in opposition to Saturn in Aquarius in your 11 house of associates. This is challenging energy. Take a pause, do not push too hard, and test the waters before making romantic gestures. They may be rebuked. The same can be said about your values. Venus also opposes Saturn from the 5 to 11 house suggesting your beliefs and values may be quite different from others.
Aries – (2) the second week begins with a conjunction of Venus and Mars in the 5 house as the lovers come together. This is much friendlier energy than last week as people are in sync with one another. It time to push ahead in romantic and creative pursuits. A beautiful Sun Neptune trine that connects your 4 and 12 houses will make you feel you found a slice of heaven. It’s time for deeply personal and spiritual renewal.
Aries – (3) the third week is energized by Mercury in Cancer and the 4 house sextile Uranus in Taurus and the 2 House. These energies bring exciting ideas that can help you add to the bottom line. A money problem can be solved by a new approach. However, a Venus Jupiter opposition connects your 6 and 12 houses and can be a warning sign that excess can throw off your best-laid plans. Control yourself and follow your common sense.
Aries – (4) The fourth week features Mercury in the 4 house opposite Pluto in the 10 house. Words have power and they can sting so be sure to think before you speak. If you are not careful you may expose secret plans that have negative repercussions. Jupiter enters Aquarius 11 house and opposes Mars in Leo and the 5 house. Again, you are being told t control yourself and your passions. Don’t bite off more than you can chew.