Aries – The month begins as Mercury is transiting your first house of personality and appearance. first impressions are remembered. A challenge from Saturn and Pluto in your 10th house warns you not to confuse personal with career responsibilities. Venus brings her charm to your 1 house adding charm. Her trine to Jupiter in your 9 house on the 9th brings opportunities in travel, higher education and religious expression. Mercury transits your 2 house and trines Saturn and Pluto in your 10 house from the 16 – 18 th. Focus on your goals and don’t be pushy. Pluto compels you to examine what success means to you. The trine from Mercury can help you be more practical. Mercury enters your 3 house. Clarify your ideas and communicate them to others. The Square to Neptune in your 12 on the 29 th can challenge you on the spiritual level. Do not be confused by fear.