Cancer, The month begins with a gentle burst of energy that highlights your sixth house, Be open to new work techniques and watch your diet. Use your energy to complete work.

Cancer – Venus in the 5 th house brings passion and intensity as your ability to seek out and enjoy pleasure is increased. If you’re single take every opportunity to meet new people if not make sure you enjoy a romantic dinner with your mate. Just remember that too much pleasure may be detrimental to your well being. Impress others with your warmth and compassion.

Cancer – Mars in the 4 stimulates you on a deep emotional level. Make sure you know exactly how you feeling when interacting with loved ones. Use excess energy to ready the house for winter so get chores out of the way now. His Opposition to Uranus on December 10 th in the 10 suggests you need to work carefully and balance your life between home and career duties. Don’t be willful and use career responsibilities to get out of family obligations Focus is necessary to keep things straight.

Cancer – the Full Moon Christmas illuminates your 1st house of personal expression and appearance. You love to nurture others and it is better to allow your emotional sensitivity to express as compassion for others or you might get caught up in your own drama. The greatest gift you have to give is your warmth and generosity. This is a gift that will win you applause.