Cancer – The 1st week has a Full Moon in Leo 2 h bringing emotional feelings to financial situations. You need to take a close look at your budget and your ability to make more money. If you want to splurge a little bit it’s OK but if you allow yourself to go off the deep end just to feel better, you’ll have to pay the piper later. Jupiter moves forward in your 10 h bringing opportunities for success and expansion in your career. This is a good time to use your optimism in constructive ways and show off your abilities. BUT Not show off – this may attract the wrong kind of attention.

Cancer – Venus will be in your 9th h so try to expand your understanding of how the world works. When you understand what others value, you will also understand what you must do to be more successful and then half the battle is over. This energy can bring new opportunities and help with your ambitions. She will conjunct Neptune on the 15 bringing advancement through education, people at a distance, and inspired ideas.

Cancer – The third week asks you to take joint finances, investment issues, and your deeper feeling more seriously as the sun will conjunct Saturn so look at how you are sharing your personal energy and resources. You may have to be less sensual but more open to personal intimacy. Listen to your intuition. The New Moon in Pisces on the 20 th sets emotional and romantic issues in educational settings but make sure you use logic when it comes to your ambitions and keep a clear head

Cancer – the month ends with Venus joining the Moon and Jupiter in Aries and your 10 th house. This puts some extra emphasis on career success and expansion. Look for a lucky break or a new connection that can expand your horizons. You may meet a new friend who can become a romantic interest and help you move forward in your life.