Cancer – Mercury Retrograde in 4th house warns you to pay attention to what family members are saying over the next few weeks. Its easy to create misunderstanding, if conflicts or disagreements are left unresolved. You may have to make some repairs so if you can’t handle it get a professional to do the job. This is also the case in personal and emotional issues. Talk them out without becoming angry or hurting feelings or get professional counseling to clear the air.

Cancer – the Lunar Eclipse in your 10 th house conjunct Uranus suggests balance must be maintained or you may experience a conflict between your inner security needs and your professional ambition. Sudden and unexpected opportunities may present new responsibilities on the career front that can conflict with family obligations. Make sure you maintain vigilance in your career but do not allow ambition to blind you what’s most important in your life. Everyday genius may be needed to exploit your career opportunities while maintaining a solid emotional foundation.

Cancer – Venus in the 5 th house increases your ability to seek out and enjoy pleasure. Take every opportunity to meet new people if you are single or have a romantic dinner with your mate.
Just remember that too much pleasure may be detrimental to your well being. Impress others with your creativity.