Capricorn – Venus in the 6 house inspires a sense of creativity in your work. Create more social interaction. A challenging square from Mars in the 3 house on the second warns you to be careful not to make demands or ask for too many favors. Mars in your 3 increases mental energy so seek useful knowledge so you can learn new things and be more competitive intellectually. His conjunction to Neptune on the 13 th brings you insight so listen carefully to your ideas for inspiration is around you. Mercury retrograde on the 17 th in your 7th House suggests that you need to listen carefully to your closest allies. Neptune goes retrograde on the 22 nd in your 3 rd house. Neptune is always subtle but now his energy can bring confusion to your mind. Mars is transiting your 4 house of foundations. His energy stimulates your emotions on the deepest level. This area represents the core of your being so be aware of what you are feeling.