Capricorn – Neptune transits your 3 house in Pisces the sign he rules, which gives him added strength. This is a powerful yet gentle energy that enhances your sensitivity to settle ideas. You should maintain clarity of thought by maintaining a simple and effective routine. The conjunction to the sun can bring some confusion or illumination so do not fool yourself with wishful thinking. New ideas may be good but they should be tested for practicality in the real world.

Capricorn – Jupiter continues his transit through your 10 house bringing opportunities to advance you career and social status. Hard work will attract the right kind of attention from powerful people so… show off your talents. You must control your ego. The Powerful opp to Uranus in your 4 house may bring an unexpected opportunity to express your deepest emotions and develop your spiritual intuition. Stay centered

Capricorn – Mars enters your 5 house of. This energy stimulates your pleasure principle. Your sensuality increases and you’ll pursue your impulses. You do have a tendency to come on too strong so make sure you’re not being self centered. Respect the need of others to be themselves and use your physical energy carefully. Be creative, be expressive and enjoy the joys of life.

Capricorn – the Saturn Moon conjunction falls in your 12 th house. This can be a constructive or depressing combination according to your nature. You have a wonderful way of keeping your emotions to yourself. This doesn’t mean you aren’t expressive it just means your greatest weaknesses, fear of failure. Bring a light into your heart, purge negative emotions and thoughts and you will awakening a new sense of balance and harmony.