October is always a transitional month and the first week of October starts under the light of the full moon and the tarot card Luna.
This card is often associated with difficulties or deception when dealing with other people but it is also the card that enhances
psychic abilities. The question becomes will you be able to keep yourself clear and avoid misunderstanding other people
and their motives. It’s important that you do not let your imagination run wild. Use your imagination as a productive tool.

Oct 1 – 7
This may be a bit difficult for the full moon represents an opposition between the sun in your 10 house of career and status and the Moon in your 4 house of emotional foundations. This is an important time to enjoy emotional security. You need to be very sensitive with family members who are feeling a bit strung out. Give your support but not your opinions unless asked for. Home and hearth give you a chance to recharge your batteries, later you can take on the world.

The next important change comes as the planet Venus goes into Virgo and your 9 house. This is not the happiest sign for Venus so you have to be careful not to be too critical of other people. Venus transiting your 9 house of inspires you to broaden your mind and learn about faraway places. You may be involved in religious or philosophical discussions and you can expand your sense of personal ambition by becoming more aware of the rules of success. New people and new ideas will add color and spice to your life.

Oct 7 – 16

The weekend is disrupted by a clash between warriors -. and the coming confusion of Mercury retrograde the tower energy may best describe the conflict of energy. The tower is a card of disruption and unforeseen changes. No one likes a surprise especially if it destroys the status quo or what we have become accustomed to. Make sure you are careful in your reaction time and don’t let your ego get out of control. Others may be looking for a fight and this could be a fight to the finish.

The weekends as flighty Mercury in the 11 opposes erratic Uranus in the 5 house. This is a disruptive and confusing energy and this aspect happens twice this month, on the 7 th and 19 th.
Uranus in the 5 suggests you’ll have to be a bit careful with new people. This can be a creative and romantic time but move slowly and maintain propriety. Don’t be too willful or independent or you may miss the boat. his opposition to Mercury in your 11 house warns you to speak softly and listen carefully to others. Don’t start a war of words that you can’t win.

Mars in the 4 stimulates you on a deep emotional level. Make sure you know exactly how you’re feeling when interacting with loved ones. Use excess energy to get household chores out of the way. You’ll feel very productive. The square to Pluto in your 1 st house intensifies your need to understand the power of your personality and how it affects others. Excitement is in the air as you conquer boundaries and explore new possibilities. Madness is bondage to the past. Personal freedom may be the gift of this energy.

The Hanged man suggests we take a different perspective on our life – this can be a valuable lesson as Mercury now goes retrograde in your 11 th House on the 13 suggests that other people may not have the same goals and beliefs that you do. You may love being the center of attention but don’t get there by being foolish or too dogmatic. He conjuncts the Sun on the 25 th adding some confusion to career and social issues. Know what you want to achieve and why. You must protect your reputation

Oct 17 – 24

The card of the week is the lovers – this card often suggests a choice must be made between following a good path or the possibility of flirting with temptation. There may be an important choice to be made which must be guided by your higher inspiration. You must remember love is a serious adventure that demands cooperation and commitment between two people. The illusion of love may be shattered by a Venus – Neptune opposition or the seriousness of love can be realized through the energy of a double trine from Venus to Pluto and Saturn.

Pluto continues to bring powerful changes to your first house. power is like a magnet but you must learn to use it well. A beautiful trine from Venus in the 9 house inspires you to broaden your mind and travel to faraway places. New people and new ideas will add color and spice to your life. The trine to Saturn stabilizes your impulsiveness. Focus your energy on self-improvement. You have a natural ability to control and focus yourself to important goals.

Oct 25 – 31

The card for the beginning of the week is the Four of Swords – the energy here is that of rest. Much has gone on during this transitional month and you may need to gather your forces together in quiet solitude for another jolt is coming in the future. It is the combination of the full moon conjunct Uranus at the end of the week. The Wheel of Fortune may be an appropriate card for surely change energy is in the air.

the Full moon Uranus Conjunction falls in your 5 opposite the Sun in your 11 suggests balance must be maintained between your social ambitions and intimate relationships. It’s great to be in social demand but responsibilities can get in the way of personal expression and enjoyment. Maintain your social connections without losing time for intimate relationships. It takes a bit of genius but you can put your creativity to work for a group while still finding time for romance.