Scorpio – September 2023

Scorpio – The month begins with some powerful cross currents of energy as 5 planets are retrograde and will be joined by Jupiter making a six pack. Jupiter in your 7 house of relationships warns you to treat other people with respect. Take care in public. There...

Scorpio – July 2023

Scorpio – The month begins with Venus Square Uranus under the light of a Full Moon in the sign of Capricorn and the 3 rd house of your chart. This is a powerful emotional energy that challenges you to think clearly and know where you want to go with your life....

Scorpio – June 2023

Scorpio – The month begins with a Full Moon in the sign of Sagittarius and the 2 nd house of your chart. It may seem a bit counter intuitive to say the month begins as the Full Moon is thought to be the time of fullness and completion. It is also an opposition...

Scorpio – May 2023

Scorpio – The month begins with a Sun-Mercury conjunction in your 7 house of relationships. This is a good time to focus on cooperation and sharing ideas with partners. Good communication may be the key to success. Midweek, a subtle Venus Neptune Square connects...

Scorpio – April 2023

Scorpio – The month begins with a powerful Mercury Pluto Square from your 7 th to the fourth house. It is important that you be aware of the energy and ideas you share with business and personal partners. You should monitor the way you are communicating to them...

Scorpio – March 2023

Scorpio – The month opens with a beautiful Venus-Jupiter conjunction in your sixth house. This is a great time for expanding your talents at work and socializing to get ahead. You look and feel great and can make a positive impression. You may have some good...

Scorpio – February 2023

Scorpio – The first week has a Full Moon in Leo 10 house bringing career performance to center stage. You should put your best foot forward here and display your creative abilities. Just remember to be a bit humble and don’t be too dramatic or you may wind up...

Scorpio – December 2022 (click here)

Scorpio – (1) the month begins with Venus in 2 opposition to Mars 8 which can set off disagreements between your finances & the investments you make with others. Try to create peace by understanding their financial strategies. This is important since Venus...

Scorpio – November 2022

Scorpio – (1) the month begins with a few Lunar bumps that may keep your emotions off balance. The Moon Squares the Sun, Venus, and Uranus which can cause disagreements due to conflicts between home and career responsibilities. You may need to be more flexible...