Gemini – The first 10 days of the month are full of excitement as Mars energizes Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus. Mars trines Jupiter from the 9 of understa to the 5 of romance on the first bringing a note of optimism to the holiday season. You have the opportunity to express some of your creative ideas and impress people who are important to you. You may meet a generous stranger. Mars sextiles Saturn in your 7 on the 3rd. You should be willing to add your energy to your partner so that joint responsibilities don’t get in the way of enjoyment. Have a laid-back dinner. When Mars sextiles Uranus on the sixth in your 11 you need to express ideas to like-minded individuals. Join a social group that does good in the world. Your communication skills can help them succeed.
Gemini -Sun Conjunct Saturn in 7 – Your seventh house of partnerships, legal issues and coming before the public receives a wake up call to slow down or you may hit a wall. Curb your ego in public or if you are having a disagreement with business or intimate partners. Relationships are serious business and must have a real purpose. Kindness and warmth can heal many disagreements.
Gemini – Mercury RX in 8th House just before the holidays warns you to keep track of details in joint business ventures. Partners may be saying one thing and doing another and it might be wise to clarify who is responsible for the bottom line. This is a good time to check credit cards, contracts, and bank balances. Take time to heal emotional misunderstandings and hurt feelings.
Gemini – Christmas Day begins with a beautiful Venus Jupiter Trine to your 5 house. You have a green light for pleasurable activities. Take every opportunity to express your romantic, creative and sensual side. Venus then sextiles Saturn in your 7 house opening a chance for romance and delight when sharing sweet nothing with your partner. Venus also sextiles Uranus in your 11 house bringing sparkle and excitement to your hopes and dreams be willing to share your good fortune with others.