Those Crazy Crazy Twins

Jupiter moves into his opposite sign of Gemini June 11, 2012 and will remain for a year. This is his the opposition point of the natural Jupiter cycle. This should make the noise of the world get a little bit louder. If you’ve been looking for a break in the action, it will not come from this placement. Here is what this sometimes verbose and overactive transit can mean for your sign.

Aries – Jupiter moves into Gemini and your third house. It is important to stay focused for information and communications will come at your quickly. You need to assimilate as much as you can and be willing to communicate new ideas. Opportunity for change and travel are all around you.

Taurus – Jupiter moves into Gemini and your second house. This energy deals with expansion so look for new ways to make money. Just be careful for you can spend foolishly as well. Take the practical approach and don’t be greedy or you will put yourself in a bad position. Invest for the long term.

Gemini – Jupiter moves into your sign and the first house. This is an excellent time to express yourself and seek new opportunities. Make sure you put your best foot forward and be willing to open yourself to new experiences. You are known for your curiosity but remember curiosity killed the cat.

Cancer – Jupiter moves into Gemini and your 12th house. This is an excellent placement for this planet as he can built great depth and spiritual awareness in this house. He is called the Guardian Angel here. So if you seek the depth of your being you will be able to heal old wounds and prepare for the future

Leo – Jupiter moves into Gemini and your 11th house. This can be an excellent transit with a lot of promise if you just use your head. New people and opportunities come to your through groups and association and romance and love could be around the corner. Don’t be blinded by political retoric from either side.

Virgo – Jupiter moves into Gemini and enters your 10th house. This could be a time of real opportunity for an aura of success glows all around you. You may get help from those in power and a raise or new position could come your way. Please keep your ego in check and display humility in victory.

Libra – Jupiter moves into Gemini and your ninth house. Jupiter rules this house so you can expect opportunity in educational, legal and visionary pursuits. It is extremely important to stay focused on what you need to learn because you are preparing for the future. Learn and grow in understanding.

Scorpio Jupiter moves into Gemini and your eighth house. This is your natural house Scorpio so you can feel a renewal of your vital energy. Follow your intuition and listen to your psychic impressions. If you are clear, they will show you the truth. The bonus is a deepening of your powerful sensuality.

Sagittarius – Jupiter moves into Gemini and your 7 house. This is your house of partners and public relations. Stand up for what you and your partners believe and take center stage or support someone you believe in. Make sure you are careful with legal issues. If available, you may find a new love.

Capricorn – Jupiter moves into Gemini and your sixth house. Your mind may be reeling with too many thoughts as work becomes hectic and demanding. It is important that you develop a healthy system of living and working so keep the body and mind as one. Learn new technology and gain new skills.

Aquarius – Jupiter moves into Gemini and your fifth house. This is an exciting time on many levels. Take every opportunity to meet new people and show them how creative and generous you can be. Kindness will attract love and romance so wear your heart on your sleeve. Just watch extravagance.

Pisces – Jupiter moves into Gemini and your fourth house. You may seek comfort in your castle but find busyness instead. There are chores to be done and visitors to entertain so get hopping. You could buy or sell a house or move because of a new opportunity. Just remember to get some quiet time.