The new moon colors the month with vibrant energy.  Venus and Neptune opens the door for lovers to embrace and the cosmic challenge stimulates action and tension in our lives.

Leo – A new moon in your 9th house of higher education and understanding can open your mind.  Start a new course of study that’ll expand your mind and broaden your understanding of the world.  A dose of diplomacy can take you much further than open aggression.  Listen and learn.   A huge energy shift occurs towards the end of the month so check out the Cosmic Challenge.

Leo -The Conjunction of Venus and Neptune is in Pisces and your 8th House is illuminated by this energy which can increase your psychic awareness and imagination. This is an important time to open yourself to others on a deeply emotional and sensual level so make sure you know your partner well.  Develop the ability to understand the visions of others and their potential for success.  You may go through a profound spiritual experience.  You may find love deepens through intimacy and sharing.

Leo – the Cosmic Challenge – Mars stimulates action in your 3house cautioning you to think twice before you speak or make sudden changes.  Be aware that his opposition to Uranus in the 9 house sets up unexpected reactions to willful actions based on confusion or mis understanding.  Jupiter in the 12 of secrets
suggests that you may benefit more by being quiet and reflective since Pluto in the 6 warns you not to allow hidden fears to manifest in a negative approach. Try to maintain logic and calm, know that wars begin with angry words, keep a spiritual perspective about what is happening around you so you can take care of your health and still complete your work.