Leo – Venus in the 11 house inspires you to contact friends or go out with new people so you’ll feel your part of a social group. A challenging square from Mars in the 8 house on the second warns you not to be too enthusiastic in your social pursuits. Mars in your 8 increases your desire to be involved with other people on a deep passionate level. His conjunction to Neptune on the 13 th brings you the ability to consider what energies and resources you are willing to share with others. Mercury retrograde on the 17 th in your 12th House suggests you take some time to examine your feelings and watch your tongue. Neptune goes retrograde on the 22 nd in your 8th House. Neptune is always subtle but now his energy can bring confusion through your imagination and psychic abilities. Mars is transiting your 9 of understanding. His energy stimulates you to open your mind and follow your curiosity so pursue new and unusual ideas.
Leo – June 2020
by tk1212 | May 25, 2020 | Leo Monthly Predictions | 0 comments