Leo – the Taurus New Moon in your 10th house of career and social standing can bring new opportunities to advance your social and business status. You’ll have more energy to take on new projects, but just remain sensitive to the needs of others. You may have some new ideas that solve old problems. Stay on a practical course, control and direct your efforts and you may gain success in real terms.

Leo – Mars moves forward in your 3 of learning, communications and travel. This energy will stimulate your mind and give you the energy and desire to go places and do things you want to do. Its time to expand your horizons so learn what you need & put good ideas into practice. You can be intellectually sharp but a bit competitive so watch your words and tone of voice. Mars can be a bit impulsive so take care in travel and communications.
Leo –You’ll love the sense of excitement as Venus joins Uranus in your 9 house. Normally Venus brings a sense of openness to new ideas and abstract thinking as she transits the 9 house. Your mind is excited by new possibilities. However, when Uranus joins this loving planet. You must listen carefully and write thoughts down as some ideas can be great and other misguided. You’ll need to make good judgements for a lack of flexibility can be as dangerous as blind faith. Yes, you should improve yourself and life can be more exciting but are you following the path to your truth or some one else’s. The adventure of a lifetime is a step away.