October is always a transitional month and the first week of October starts under the light of the full moon and the tarot card Luna.
This card is often associated with difficulties or deception when dealing with other people but it is also the card that enhances
psychic abilities. The question becomes will you be able to keep yourself clear and avoid misunderstanding other people
and their motives. It’s important that you do not let your imagination run wild. Use your imagination as a productive tool.

Oct 1 – 7
This may be a bit difficult for the full moon represents an opposition between the sun in your third house of intellect and the Moon in your 9 house of the higher mind. This suggests balance must be maintained between your beliefs and the ideals of others. Many people get caught up in the confusion of the holidays but you know there’s a more important meaning to this time of year. Make sure you show the strength of your understanding and compassion for others’ beliefs. Your maturity and wisdom will be noticed.

The next important change comes as the planet Venus goes into Virgo and your 2 house. This is not the happiest place for Venus so you have to be careful not to be too critical of other people. Venus transiting your 2 house of inspires you to use your talents and new abilities to make more money. This can be through the fields of business or anything that deals with women’s issues or creative expression. Once you have established a sense of personal security, you can plan to go on a date or shopping spree.

Oct 7 – 16

The weekend is disrupted by a clash between warriors -. and the coming confusion of Mercury retrograde the tower energy may best describe the conflict of energy. The tower is a card of disruption and unforeseen changes. No one likes a surprise especially if it destroys the status quo or what we have become accustomed to. Make sure you are careful in your reaction time and don’t let your ego get out of control. Others may be looking for a fight and this could be a fight to the finish.

The weekends as flighty Mercury opposes erratic Uranus in the 10. This is a disruptive and confusing energy and this aspect happens twice this month, on the 17 & 19. You must balance your life between home and career duties. Don’t be willful and use career responsibilities to get out of family obligations Focus is necessary to keep things balanced. Be aware of his opposition to Mercury in your 4 house suggests that confusion and a lack of cooperation at home can undermine the recognition you seek in the world.

Leo – Mars in the 9 stimulates your need to understand the power of belief. You want to pursue your ideas and you know you have what it takes to succeed. You have the courage of your convictions and will promote your core beliefs. The square to Pluto in your 6 th house intensifies your need for efficiency as new demands are placed on your work and personal schedules. New techniques increase production and attract new possibilities for success. Madness is the inability to adjust. Personal flexibility may be the gift of this energy

The Hanged man suggests we take a different perspective on our life – this can be a valuable lesson as Mercury now goes retrograde in your 4th House on the 13. suggests you need to be extra kind at home and with family members. Misunderstandings can create conflict and discord. Remember to follow through on fix up, clean up, and spring cleaning projects. He conjuncts the Sun on the 25 st adding some confusion to communications and travel plans. Check the details before heading out.

Oct 17 – 24

The card of the week is the lovers – this card often suggests a choice must be made between following a good path or the possibility of flirting with temptation. There may be an important choice to be made which must be guided by your higher inspiration. You must remember love is a serious adventure that demands cooperation and commitment between two people. The illusion of love may be shattered by a Venus – Neptune opposition or the seriousness of love can be realized through the energy of a double trine from Venus to Pluto and Saturn.

Leo – Pluto continues to bring powerful changes to your sixth house. You may need to make adjustments to your everyday routine. A beautiful trine from Venus in the 2 house inspires you to use your talents and new abilities to make more money. Then you can go on a shopping spree. Check your bank balance and your investments. The trine to Saturn stabilizes your work situation minimizing challenges that can create conflicts. Focus on important work projects that need to get done.

Oct 25 – 31

The card for the beginning of the week is the Four of Swords – the energy here is that of rest. Much has gone on during this transitional month and you may need to gather your forces together in quiet solitude for another jolt is coming in the future. It is the combination of the full moon conjunct Uranus at the end of the week. The Wheel of Fortune may be an appropriate card for surely change energy is in the air.

Leo – the Full moon Uranus Conjunction falls in your 10 th house opposite the Sun in your 4 suggests balance must be maintained between your personal and career responsibilities. Emotional issues need attention in your personal surroundings. Make sure you give family members your attention when they need you. Take care of any home repairs. Remember, if you feel a real depth of security at home, you’ll be able to take on the world. Nurture both family and career.