Leo – (1) the month begins with Mars in Virgo in the 2 of money in opposition to Saturn in Pisces in your 8 house of shared energy. You need to think carefully before you act with intimate and financial matters. Don’t be too pushy. Mercury Trine Saturn on the 4t connects your 3 house of intellect and 7 house of partners. This can help clarify communications with partners so you know what is expected ad what can be achieved with cooperation. The weekends with Venus in the 3 house Square to Pluto in the 5 on the 5 t warning you to take care in romance so watch what you say.

Leo – (2) the second week begins with Venus entering Scorpio and your 4 house on the 10 t. This asks you to focus on your family and security issues. You can be highly intuitive so protect your feelings but don’t mix career and family responsibilities. A T Square on the 13 & 14 formed by the Sun Moon and Neptune may bring confusion that can affect your finances and sensuality. Make sure you find some time for pleasure but don’t allow emotional issues to create disagreements.

Leo – (3) the third week is disrupted by a Venus Saturn square that challenges you to be careful with intimate information especially when discussing family issues. You may find your values conflict with your partners. the Full Moon on the 20 th suggests you spend some quiet time together to heal your spiritual bonds. Listen closely to your partner’s needs. The Mercury-Pluto Square on the 22 may expose information that can help you when dealing with work situations but keep secret plans secret.

Leo – (4) The fourth week features Venus in the 4 opposite Uranus in the 10 on the 23 rd so don’t mix your family issues with career issues. You may have to steer clear of emotional issues and power plays. Maintain clear boundaries. Mars trine Saturn on the 25 t can help heal misunderstandings with partners but watch what you say since Mercury will go retrograde on the 27 t in your 3 house of communications. The 30 th brings a need for simplicity as Jupiter will Square Venus.