Libra – Jupiter or Zeus to the ancient Greeks was known as the King of the Gods, the King of Justice and the Greater Benefic. He will transit Capricorn for the first time in twelve years starting an important new cycle of structure, opportunity wisdom and abundance. There are chores to be done and visitors to entertain so get hopping. You could buy or sell a house or move because of a new opportunity. The Sun in your 3 house illuminates your mind and logical abilities. However, the Square to Neptune on the eighth in your 6 can bring some challenges or confusing conditions at work. The Venus conjunction to Saturn on the eleventh reminds you not to take your personal security needs for granted. Venus in the 5 house increases your ability to seek out and enjoy pleasure. However, her Square to disruptive Uranus in your 8 house on the 22 nd warns you intensity and sensuality can make you feel a bit uncomfortable. the Sun and Jupiter are energizing your 4 house on the 27 th increasing your love of home and family.