Libra – Your power card is the Ten of Wands and the power day for January is the 20 th. the Sun conjuncts Pluto as he moves into Aquarius and activates your 5 th house. This is an exciting energy that can have a powerful yet subtle affect. It can give you a deep understanding into what you have produced creatively in your life and what you may need to change to express more joy. This is an energy that suggests an old approach to creativity must be changed so that you may become more expressive as a person. You may have to make adjustment to the ideas that move you and how to present them. You need to listen to your deepest intuition and follow your personal muse which will have an important impact on your work. You may have more charisma than usual and you may spend more time deepening your romantic pursuits. They must have meaning and purpose beyond pure sexual release. Beware manipulation and jealousy in this area and keep your actions above the realm of personal drama.

Your power card is the Ten of Wands which represent a time of completion. Keep your eyes open for an opportunity to complete projects and move on to new things.