Libra – (1) the month begins with Mars in Leo and your 11 house of associates opposite Saturn in Aquarius in your 5 house of pleasure. There may have to be a delay in getting what you desire. If you try to push too hard now you may run into a brick wall and a headache. Venus will also oppose Saturn from the 11 to 5 house which suggests you must be willing to understand that different people have different values. Go slowly.

Libra – (2) the second week begins with a conjunction of Venus and Mars in the 11 house of associates as the lovers come together. This energy is quite better than last week. Now you may be able to pursue exactly what you want and you may find others willing to join you. This is followed by a beautiful Sun Neptune trine that connects your 10 and 6 houses suggesting a green light in work and career. Focus on a new creative approach

Libra – (3) the third week is energized by Mercury in Cancer and the 10 house sextile Uranus in Taurus and the 8 House. These energies work very well together and you may find people who want to help you succeed so keep the lines of communication open. A Venus Jupiter opposition connects your 12 and 6 houses cautioning you against excess. Working too hard can drain your spirit and creativity. You may need some time alone.

Libra – (4) The fourth week features Mercury in the 10 house opposite Pluto in the 4 house. The energy needed at work can conflict with personal obligation. Make sure you prioritize what needs to be done and listen carefully so you don’t make mistakes. Jupiter enters Aquarius 5 house and opposes Mars in Leo and the 11 house. A desire for pleasure can throw you off balance. If this occurs you might instigate trouble with others.