Aries – the new Moon on June 8 falls in your 3rd house of communications and travel. This opens a whole new opportunity cycle for learning, travel and assimilating knowledge. If you need a deeper understanding on a new subject such as syncing your computer and iPhone this is the time to do it. Just be a bit aware of what you’re saying and where your traveling.

Taurus – the new moon on June 8 falls in your 2 nd house of money and material matters. This opens a new opportunity cycle for earning or spending money. Take some time to look over the books. If there’s more going out then coming in, you’ll have to adjust your budget. Listen to new ideas on how to make more money. Just make sure they’re practical.

Gemini – the new Moon on June 8 falls in your1 st house of personal expression and appearance. You always had a flair for communications and selling but now those talents are emphasized. This new cycle should present you with opportunities to talk to the right people. If you’re going to make a presentation make sure you shine your shoes.

Cancer – the new Moon on June 8 falls in your 12 th house of hidden and secretive matters. This is a good time to go deep inside and clear up any emotional clutter that might be clouding your mind. There are many tools you can use, meditation, prayer, tai chi or other mind-body exercises that will center your being. This will help bring future inspiration.

Leo – the new Moon on June 8 falls in your 11 th house of friends and group associations. This is a good time to get out and about so that you can make new social contacts. Networking is an art and you have the emotional talent to stand out in any crowd. Make sure you realize that part of networking is listening. Engaged participation is good egotism is not.

Virgo – the new Moon on June 8 falls in your 10 th house of career and social status. This is an excellent time to use your mind to influence important people and to gain ground in your career. The most important issue will be watching the details and following through on projects. If you are scattered you may miss some important opportunities for success.

Libra – the new Moon on June 8 falls in your 9 th house of higher mind and understanding. This is a good time to open yourself to new ideas or to take a course of study that will broaden your understanding of different cultures and philosophies. The ambitious part of your nature is stimulated so keep your feelers for opportunity on high alert status.

Scorpio – the new Moon on June 8 falls in your 8 th house of rebirth and sensuality. This is a good time to invest some extra energy into your intimate affairs. This can be with business partners or in a deep personal relationship. Renewal and revitalization is your goal so you must be willing to invest your passion and undivided attention on shared energy.

Sagittarius -the new Moon on June 8 falls in your 7 th house of relationships and public relations. This is a good time to focus energy on the other people in your life. You should try to understand the emotional needs of others and treat them with sensitivity. If you have an opportunity to step out on the public stage your energy and vitality will attract attention.

Capricorn – the new Moon on June 8 falls in your 6 th house of health and work. This is a good time to look at your habit patterns and see how you can make them not only healthier but also more productive. The body is a miraculous machine and it needs attention to keep it running smoothly. The same is true of work so give them the attention they deserve.

Aquarius – the new Moon on June 8 falls in your 5th house of romance and creativity. This is a wonderful new moon that opens up opportunities for enjoyment on many different levels. You can enjoy spending time with children, taking on a new creative project, or spending time with your special squeeze. Light the candles and imagine the possibilities.

Pisces – the new Moon on June 8 falls in your 4 th house of home and family. This is a good time to spend some extra time around the home. You may be extra sensitive to your surroundings so inside and outside fix up projects may be on the agenda. Once the work is done, and you feel satisfied than it’s time for a big hug. Quality family time prevails.