Sagittarius – (1) the month begins with Mars in Leo and your 9 house of ambition in opposition to Saturn in Aquarius in your 3 house of intellect. This is an intense energy that challenges you to think before you take action on your desires or you may feel deep frustration. Venus will also oppose Saturn from the 9 to 3 house so clarify your values and what you want to achieve. Knowledge is power so learn what you need to know.

Sagittarius – (2) the second week begins with a conjunction of Venus and Mars in the 9 house of ambition as the lovers come together. This is a more promising energy that will help you express your ambitions in a creative fashion that can capture the imagination. This is followed by a beautiful Sun Neptune trine that connects your 8 and 4 houses giving you a deep sense of the power of your intuition and psychic ability.

Sagittarius – (3) the third week is energized by Mercury in Cancer and the 8 house sextile Uranus in Taurus and the 6 House. There is a bit of happy excitement in the air that can bring cooperation and help from partners. You may make a wonderful discovery. A Venus Jupiter opposition connects your 10 and 4 houses cautioning you against excess. You must know your responsibilities in both the career and family areas.

Sagittarius – (4) The fourth week features Mercury in the 8 house opposite Pluto in the 2 house. They say money makes the world go round but in reality, it is really ideas. Listen carefully to your intuitive self before saying or taking action. It’s called protecting yourself. Jupiter enters Aquarius 3 house and opposes Mars in Leo and the 9 house suggesting a battle of ideas vs practicality Compromise and you get the best of both.