The new moon colors the month with vibrant energy.  Venus and Neptune opens the door for lovers to embrace and the cosmic challenge stimulates action and tension in our lives.

Taurus – A new moon in your 12th house of limitations asks you to find a place of quiet.  Lots of mental energy is bouncing around inside.  You need to control your fears, open your heart to spiritual understanding and be willing to tackle personal emotional issues.  Keep your feet on the ground.  A huge energy shift occurs towards the end of the month so check out the Cosmic Challenge.

Taurus -The Conjunction of Venus and Neptune is in Pisces and your 11 house is illuminated so you need to be aware that love can be found through groups of people who share humanitarian beliefs.  You are extra intuitive now so listen to your inner mind when judging if you want to make a friendship something more.  Remember, this is not the most practical aspect so your sensuality needs some extra control.  Charisma is a powerful aphrodisiac.  You may find love at a concert or an art exhibit.

Taurus – the Cosmic Challenge – Mars stimulates action in your 6 house demanding a review of procedures so work smarter.  Be aware that his opposition to Uranus in your12 house may bring some  hidden fears or unusual experiences to the surface.  Jupiter in your 3 house may make you more emotional so use logic when communicating your feelings but don’t be too righteous for Pluto in your 9 asks you not to rigid in your beliefs about right and wrong.  Use your spiritual awareness, keep your mind fluid and open, understand the need for discipline in your life and communicate to others with gentleness.  Then a new vison can bring meaning to your life.