Taurus –  the new Moon falls in your 11 th house of friends and group associations.   Be aware of the feelings of other people especially when involved in political or social causes. Emotions are running high so bring compassion into the conversation and take action carefully.

Saturn Retrogade
Taurus – You must learn from the results you have experienced through the personal commitments in your life. Have you grown through your relationships or have you experienced frustration and loss.  A good relationship or partnership demands mutual support and respect. If that’s missing than you need to make a change.

Mars Retrograde
Taurus – reevaluate the actions you have taken in your work, Are their better ways to be more productive.  Don’t fight the system without cause and watch your nerves, health, energy and habit patterns.  Develop efficiency, keep your nose to the grindstone and learn to you use new technology.