Taurus – Your power card is the king of Swords and the power day for March is the 17th St Patrick’s Day. The Sun conjuncts Neptune and Venus conjunct Saturn in Pisces and your 11 th house. This puts a focus on friends, business associates and social groups. The Sun Neptune conjunction can be very inspirational
and inspiring. You may feel you have a valuable vision for the future and that friends and associates will be willing to help you achieve your dreams. The problem with dreams is that they often take hard work to bring them into reality. You will have to develop a work ethic that will help you focus your energy so you can work with others to make them a reality. You are creative at this time but also unrealistic. The Venus Saturn conjunction can help you be more practical but it also warns you against people who do not share your values.

Your power card is the King of Swords giving you power and clarity which helps you make wise decisions