Virgo – The month begins as Mercury in your 11th house opposes Pluto in your fifth house of personal creativity and romance. You feel a compelling need for pleasure but this may not be the time for selfish pleasures. A spike of energy occurs on the fourth when Mars in the 8 squares Jupiter in your fifth house of romance and creativity. You may be looking for new opportunities for fun and pleasure. But beware misunderstandings. Mars in the 8 will stimulate your psychic awareness and sensual energy. The square to Pluto on the 13 th in 5 th house intensifies the need to express the creative and passionate side of your nature. Dig deep and express your true feelings. Uranus turns retrograde on the 15 th in your 9 th house asks & you to review any changes you’ve made to your belief systems and philosophy of life. Neptune in your 7th house. There is more to love and relationships than is commonly taught. The character of the two people must be weighed in the scales of Justice. Neptune’s trine to Venus on the 27 th in the 11 can bring a wonderful opportunity to connect with sensitive people.
Virgo – August 2020
by tk1212 | Jul 31, 2020 | Virgo Monthly Predictions | 0 comments