Virgo – a sense of optimism opens the month as the Sun, Mercury and Venus transit fiery Sagittarius giving you the opportunity to lift your spirit. Your fourth house is activated which puts the focus on the people that you love the most. You should make every effort to prepare for a very special holiday season that is based on love and togetherness. You can make the house sparkle with the perfect lights and decorations. Looking for something really special, go to a Christmas concert.

Virgo – Jupiter goes retrograde in your 12 house. Take time to re-evaluate what you’ve been doing for the past few months. You’ve had the opportunity to look inside and unfold some of the better qualities of your personality. Now you must take time to understand what you have learned about your inner self. Have you live with fear and insecurity or in a sense of well being. This is the time to examine your spiritual truth.

Virgo – After Jupiter slowed things down earlier in the month, Uranus goes direct in your 8 renewing holiday excitement. You’ve faced many challenges to the status quo in the past few years and here comes another. Use your extra sensory powers to feel which direction you should take in the future. You could stay in a safe cocoon but that might hurt your true potential. This is another chance to be born again in the spirit.