Virgo – (1) the month begins with Venus in 4 opposition to Mars 10 which can set off disagreements between your family life & career responsibilities. Try to create peace by understanding their security needs. This is important since Venus and Mercury are both in 4 square Neptune 7 creating a sense of misunderstanding. Neptune’s direct motion in your 7 house will clear up disagreements that made you feel unimportant. Make sure you control your actions as Mars will conjunct the full moon in your 10 house which can spark competitive actions and career struggles.

Virgo – (2) the second week opens with sensual Venus in your 4 house squaring excessive Jupiter in the 7. This is a combination that calls for a lot of common sense or you will find yourself in trouble with family members who may not approve of your plans. Your optimism needs to be well controlled or you may run into money problems. A helpful Sun Saturn aspect 6 can be just what is needed as cooperation at work and common sense can save you from bad decisions. The Sun square Neptune 7 reinforces the need for mental clarity with partners.

Virgo – (3) the third week brings positive energy as Mercury in your 5 house trines Uranus in the 9. This is a potential winner when it comes to your ambitions. You need to develop new ideas and share them with others. they can help give you valuable guidance. Jupiter will enter your 8 house bringing a sense of optimism when dealing with your investments. You may need to be aware of your elf-limiting nature. This is usually a beneficial energy and it can help build a sense of renewal but it requires understanding and cooperation.

Virgo – (4) The fourth week begins with a new Moon that falls in your 5 th house and the sign Capricorn. This is the most special time of the year especially when it comes to tradition it might also turn romantic. Give any celebration an extra creative touch, it may make everyone happy but don’t forget family traditions. Mercury will go retrograde in the 5 at the end of the week so be careful with what you say to lovers. There is a lot of excess energy in the air and it is easy to become misunderstood. Take care of the little details and check your dinner plans twice.