Virgo – Venus is transiting your sign Virgo and your 1 house so you win the prize. This planet of pleasure may inspire you to pamper yourself or improve your appearance. You may buy some new clothes, go to a salon or attend a lunch at a trendy new restaurant. You want to be seen with all the right people in all the right places. Remember, you attract more bees with honey and you are the honey jar.

Virgo -Mars is transiting your 4 house of emotional stability and family matters . This energy stimulates you on your deepest personal level. This is where you live & it’s the core of your being. You must be awareness of what you are feeling and how you are acting with family members. It will be easy to steer the ship but it is better to ask where everyone wants to go. Keep your emotions clear, clean up what ever needs to be repaired.

Virgo – Pluto – A deep slow revolution is happening in your fifth house – Take a deep look into your life, do you have the pleasure and enjoyment that you want? Do you have a special person that shares intimacy or is something missing. The same goes for your self expression. You need good healthy emotional outlets. If you can’t express your true feelings, understand why. Take time to explore your creative and romantic potentials and change what needs to be changed,